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Westgate Flamingo Bay Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada/USA

€100.00 Approx: £87.00 Retail Price (inc VAT)

60% Contra Cash

€Contra 60.00 + €Cash 40.00
(Approx: £Contra 52.20 + £Cash 34.80)

Westgate Flamingo Bay Resort in Las Vegas, NV
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Stay close to the action and Las Vegas, Nevada tourist attractions; yet away from the hustle and bustle with Westgate Flamingo Bay resort, only two and a half miles east of the Las Vegas "Strip." The sunny climate and variety of recreational opportunities are just a few reasons to visit Las Vegas, NV. Nearby points of interest include Lake Mead, Red Rock Canyon, Hoover Dam, the Forum Shops, and much more. There are several golf courses in the area that are challenging and fun as well. Settle into this resort and feel like a million bucks. Westgate Flamingo Bay has all the amenities of home plus more. This resort's services are as outstanding as the hospitality of its friendly staff. Treat yourself to a relaxing dip in the refreshing heated pool and/or bubbling whirlpool. Enjoy the tropical oasis style complex with modern, tastefully appointed one and two bedroom villas for your ultimate comfort and luxury. Lodging and accommodations are equipped with a full kitchen, whirlpool tub, spacious living room and a fireplace. Spend quality time and make memories that last a lifetime.

€100.00 (Approx: £87.00)
(free postage/postage not applicable)

The seller would like to be paid as follows: 60% £Contra - 40% £Cash.

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