Member Profile: qr8-ltd (0)Our business model is open, practical and flexible - all based around our client's needs.Our ideal client is one for whom we can provide a joined-up service - helping formulate strategy, then delivering to agreed aims and schedules. By acting as a single source for both creative and technical services, we believe that we offer both a consistent result and value for money across a broad range of activities. Being only a small company, we do outsource specialised skills as needed from a network of trusted providers, always maintaining project management control and first point of contact. We are also happy to work in partnership with others in providing the creative input to significant projects. Our central position in Sheffield's Cultural Industries Quarter with street level access and open door policy, is a big hit with our local clients! We are both well connected and well respected locally, and in the spirit of openness often act as a "network hub" in introducing people and businesses to one another, just to see what might come about. Currently, our full time team comprises Jerry Lampson - MD & principal designer, Rob Prior - marketing professional, Charlotte Midgley - creative design and Valentine (Val) Arkhipov - web development. Our in-house creative services include brand design, graphic design, website design, web application development, photography, illustration, copywriting. Contact DetailsQR8 Ltd
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